
I enjoy travel, and I'm fortunate enough to be able to do it. I tend to alternate between random adventures that are close to home, and travel. I pinned random cities that were the result of a road trip or some other entertaining story, and a trip through Europe. I recieved a GPS Data Logger for Christmas a little bit ago, so some of the more recent trips are in ridiculous detail - up to the roads I walked on, and the waterfalls I swam under.

Misc Trips
Backpacking South America

Here's some useless timeline of what coutry I've been in since I've turned 20. It was mostly just an excuse to screw around with the <canvas> tag.

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    if 1 * 2 < 3:
        print "hello, world!"
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if 1 * 2 < 3:
    print "hello, world!"